Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A Shout Out To My Tribe

Everyone just needs a few people who are just as weird as them. Find your tribe:

Everyone has a group of friends, or their family that they are really close to.  Sometimes they are people we grew up with, and sometimes they are people you meet along the way.  

Last week, during some emotional upheaval, I spoke with a friend of mine who is also going through the adoption process.  She told me to look at my blessings, my small victories, and to write them down.  So that is what I'm doing.  

And I'm starting with my tribe.  Some I am related to, and some I have known for a while, and some I have only met recently.  But EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM is part of my tribe.  They have encouraged me, they have support me, and they are standing by us as we go through this process.  Some have gone through this process, or are currently going through an adoption.  Some have never adopted and don't feel called to do that (and that is totally okay).  

I would personally name every single one of them in this post, but I think that would make this post WAY too long... But it makes me smile knowing that I've got such an amazing tribe. 

I hope that if you haven't found your tribe yet, that you will soon.  Everyone needs one.  And when you have your tribe, you will know it and, just remember, LOVE THEM HARD and NEVER LET THEM GO.
