Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Art of Being Not Okay

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There is a special art to being "Okay" or "Fine" when asked by another person.  

And where this thought comes from is the women's retreat I went on this weekend.  I have a great tendency to tell people "I'm fine" or "I'm okay", when really I'm stressed, angry, upset, or just plain tired.  But I've kind of grown into the idea that I have to do this.  Call it a defense mechanism, but for me, it is my armor against the world (which does include my family and friends sometimes).  And I know that I'm not alone.  There are millions of women that live with this "Fine" armor, telling everyone they are okay, when are actually the exact opposite on the inside.

I went to a women's retreat this past weekend, where we talked about this one session.  And it got to me.  I've been thinking about it a lot.  Is this something that I want to teach my children?  Do I want them to feel that they have to put on this act of perfection, when all they need to do is be present as they are?

And for the first time in a while, I'm breathing in a new idea.  It is totally okay not to be fine 100% of the time. And I need to start being honest with my family, my friends, and my tribe.  Today, I challenge you to do the same.

So how are you doing?


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